The Hoof Cinch
How it works
We strive to get your horse back to doing what they love to do.
Reduces force
The Hoof Cinch reduces the stress on the laminae as the horse bears weight on the hoof by acting as a brace on the hoof capsule. This reduces the pain during laminitis and founder.
Redirects new growth
Since we cannot move the bone, we redirect the new growth of the hoof capsule back toward the coffin bone for a pain free correction over the course of 16 to 20 weeks.
works with other systems
The underlying cause for the founder/laminitis must be determined and treated. We suggest blood work for EMS, PPID, and Thyroid. Shoes are sometimes required for severe cases or cases that need heel elevation or to have the soles cleared of all ground pressures.
We are very happy with the results. You can use the them and feed a horse you can ride instead of one you cannot. Thank you.
Jim Hayes, MO
I have never posted a testimonial in my life but to sing the praises of Chuck Potter and his wonderful life saving product and his truly caring nature takes no effort at all.
Jim Byrne, TN
Thank you for giving me my horse back!
Deb Lukes, MN
Amazing product and amazing customer service.
Karri, WY
Chuck and Steve discuss the Hoof Cinch at the Iowa Horse Fair
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Chuck and Steve talk with owners and tell their founder stories.
Chuck and Rick discuss and install the Hoof Cinch
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Why did your horse Founder?
The "why" or underlying cause of laminitis is the most important thing to discover. Quite often cases will be attributed to Equine Metabolic Disorder (EMS).
What to do
Call your farrier and vet right away. Remove all suspected sources of the problem until your veterinarian determines the cause by blood tests. Apply Hoof Cinches right away.
Will my horse recover?
With the right treatment for the underlying cause, the Hoof Cinch has approximately a 95% success rate.
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